You can make a difference by contributing to the future success of youth and young adult girls and ladies. All expenses go directly to support project services for women, girls and those in need.

We invite you to:

  • Give a generous unrestricted monetary gift to support our ability to continuously provide quality programs that serve the youth and young adult girls and those in need in our community.
  • Donate to The Queen In Me Project: Backpacks of Love Fund and/or to support our educational enrichment programs (conferences and workshops).
  • Commit to giving an annual gift to support The Queen In Me programs and services.
  • ONLINE GIVING: Use PayPal to help donate to our organization.

    MAIL: To make a tax-deductible donation by check to support The Queen In Me Project, please mail the check to: The Queen In Me Project

    Call in Donations: Call anytime to make a donation using a credit card. (214)236-5329




